Tf2 backspace not working
Tf2 backspace not working

tf2 backspace not working

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  • tf2 backspace not working

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  • Might as well assign backspace to the Enter key. I don't care how good the program is otherwise, but such behavior is unacceptable for any application, let alone a text editor.

    tf2 backspace not working

    Funny, when InCopy was designed to work with InDesign, and comes free for users of InDesign, while Word is a pricey add-on. InDesign users just say use Word to write the text. Have I simply not found a way to enable standard behavior or can anyone give me an explanation why InCopy behaves the way it does? From what I found InCopy isn't the most popular of applications (I wonder why.), but with InDesign there doesn't seem to be a way to do it. Why do you need to have two keys, 2 cm apart from each other, assigned to a rarely used feature? Which brings me to another point why this makes absolutely no sense at all: The backspace and Del key are 2 cm apart. Ctrl + Del should absolutely delete to the right, which does work too. It's called the BACKSPACE key for a reason. It also doesn't make much sense, as the backspace key is meant to go left. And what's even worse is that the way it does work (deleting to the right) covers about 1% of my use cases, while I delete to the left almost always. But after a couple of seconds I discovered that Ctrl + Backspace doesn't work the way it works in almost every other program I have ever used.

    tf2 backspace not working

    I thought I'd give InCopy a try as I am looking for a program to write things in that I can copy into AEM, Wordpress etc.

    Tf2 backspace not working