It basically lets you take less damage under the sun when you’re wearing hoods or helmets, as well as any protective gear that might keep your skin from directly interacting with sunlight. What’s what, you say immersive mods are your thing? Then check this one out for sure. Enjoy them all and see what your vampire Dragonborn is capable of! 10. So I’ve compiled a list of mods that will enhance your vampire experience in Skyrim and take it to the next level. The main problem is that vampires do need some tweaks – even if you have Dawnguard installed. It’s likely you’re still trying different Skyrim playthroughs to this day, and one that every player seems to love is the true vampire playthrough. If you’re still playing Skyrim to this day, that means you’re one of those hardcore fans that will probably get the TES VI pre-order as soon as you can. Night vision should work properly now (after you remove the //).Dawnguard truly did justice for vampires in the TES series.īut if there’s one thing we can all agree on, I hope it’s that players can never have enough when it comes to additions. Qwibart from the Nexus forums made a suggestion on how to fix issues with an ENB:Ģ) find: // #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTIONģ) change to: #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION Try making a clean save without my mod or your ENB, then just install my mod and see if it works properly. If that still does not alleviate your problem, please try the clean install method described on my troubleshooting page.ĮNBs can also mess with night/vampiric vision. Simply enable blood points, feed once, then keep blood points enabled or turn it off if you wish. This will cause your night vision to turn on and off immediately. Sometimes, if you have blood points activated (or if you did and recently turned it off) then you may be at 0 blood points. Please wait at least a few seconds after you turn it on/off before using it again. Sometimes, if you spam night vision too quickly off and on it may get stuck. The second (reddish tint) can only be enabled and can only be disabled while sneaking. The first (bluish tint) can only be enabled and can only be disabled while standing.