And the realms of daedra
And the realms of daedra

and the realms of daedra

Circa 4E 201, Staada came to Skyrim to protect the Shivering Isles from encroachment by a manic mage named Thoron, who had begun breaking down the barriers between that realm and Tamriel using the Sword of Staada is a Golden Saint and the boss of the Lesser Circle in the Alik'r Desert. Expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006). "They spotted a small group of Elytra's heading towards the town of Hale, and Staada is asking if you would like us to dispatch a small group of warriors to aid the town. When the time had almost passed, Sheogorath cheated. The history of Labyrinthian and its creator, Shalidor.

and the realms of daedra and the realms of daedra

The hero picked the creature one by one and eventually Staada herself was eliminated. Climb down the stairs, approach the shrine and activate it. Staada's Helmet is a unique Golden Saint Helmet worn by Staada.

And the realms of daedra